Bomboloni Italien

In a bowl, combine the water and yeast. Let stand for 5 minutes.
In another bowl, combine the cream, zest and vanilla. Reserve.
With a stand mixer, using the dough hook, or in a large bowl, with a wooden spoon, combine the flour, sugar, salt, egg yolks and eggs. Add the cream and yeast mixtures and mix until the dough begins to form. With a stand mixer or on a floured work surface, knead the dough vigorously for about 5 minutes or until smooth and smooth. Form the dough intto a ball and place it in a clean, lightly floured bowl. Cover with a slightly dampp cloth and let stand in a warm and humid place for 2 hours.
Meanwhile, in a saucepan off the heat, combine the sugar, flour and cornstarch. Add the egg yolks, eggs, 125 ml (½ cup) of milk and vanilla. Mix well with a whisk until the texture is smooth and homogeneous. Stir in the remaining milk (3 ½ cups / 875 ml). Bring to a boil over mediium heat, whisking continuously and scraping the bottom and sides of the pot until the mixture thickens. Remove from fire.
Pass the pastry cream through a sieve if necessary. Pour into a bowl and cover with plastic wrap directly on the surface of the cream. Let cool then refrigerate for 2 hours or until completely cooled. When using the pastry cream, mix it with a spatula to restore flexibility. Transfer to a pastry bag fitted with a fluted nozzle about 1 cm (½ inch) in diameter.
Preheat the oil in the deep fryer to 170 ° C (340 ° F) (see note). Line a baking sheet with paper towel.
Place the sugar in a bowl. Reserve.
On a generously floured work surface, roll out the dough to obtain a rectangle 1.5 cm (½ inch) thick.
Using a 3 ½ inch (9 cm) round cookie cutter, cut 12 donuts. Place on a lightly floured cookie sheet. Use leftovers. Cover with a damp cloth and let stand for about 10 minutes so that the donuts swell slightly.
Carefully place two donuts at a time in hot oil and cook, 3 to 4 minutes or until nicely browned, turning halfway through cooking. Watch out for splashing. Drain on absorbent paper.
Coat the donuts with the sugar. Let cool.

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