Ribeye steak

Rib steak may seem daunting to prepare, but this recipe couldn’t be easier. Based on a recipe from Alain Ducasse, this prime rib steak method consists of two basic parts: season the meat well and let it stand at room temperature for at least half an hour, then cook it in a hot cast iron skillet.  Halfway through the cooking process, the ribs are toasted with a mixture of butter, thyme, and garlic already in the pan, so they’re crusty outside and have a rich flavor. And don’t worry about special hardware.ingredients

° 2 pieces 1/4 pound, rib eye steak with bone
° kosher salt
° Freshly ground pepper
° 2 tablespoons canola oil
° 4 tablespoons unsalted butter
° 4 sprigs thyme
° 3 garlic cloves
° 1 sprig of rosemary

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